

Computer programmer developing software application

Why testing and validation are important

Testing and quality assurance are important aspects of software development, and we believe they should be taken seriously.

Our test and validation engineers are responsible for validating the operability of software, web, or mobile applications before their integration and deployment in customer environments.  

Wintek’s consulting engineers are responsible for testing software and applications on all platforms, visualizing the code, and helping to ensure that the final product is bug-free.

Objectives of product validation and testing

Testing is an essential part of the software development process. The purpose of testing is to determine whether the software product meets its functional requirements and quality standards, and to identify defects that may exist in the source code or documentation.

Programmers cooperating at information technology company

Testing and validation process

Whether manual or automated, end-to-end testing is a process that tests the entire application and all its components. This type of testing includes all stages of development, such as unit tests, integration tests, system tests, acceptance tests, etc.

Security testing is a systematic process of analyzing the security of an application, its environment and its infrastructure. It involves the intervention of quite specific skills.

In general, a security assessment includes several types of tests: 

Security assessment – Security consulting – Vulnerability testing – Penetration testing – Fuzz testing – Threat modeling and analysis.

The objective is to assess the vulnerability through penetration testing (so-called intrusive testing by simulating real attacks). 

Our role is also to audit the security of an ISD. This is an evaluation of an organization’s internal controls to determine if they are effective in protecting information assets from inappropriate access, use or disclosure.

The goal is to reduce the time, effort and cost involved in testing software products. Test automation is used in different phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC), such as unit testing, system testing, integration testing, regression testing and acceptance testing.

Consultancy, transformation and assistance

We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and vision. We are ready to share our advice and experience to support your digital transformation.