
Back-end and front-end development

Senior developers working

Why call upon an expert consultant in back-end and front-end development?

Companies that want to implement a digital transformation strategy can choose to do so. But for reasons of economy and timing, they often prefer to outsource tasks requiring specialized skills. In this case, the problem is to define which service provider to choose and which type of profile to recruit.

When and how to use an expert back-end and front-end developer consultant?

The choice of a consultant expert in back-end and front-end developer is necessary to meet complex challenges such as

  • The implementation of a digital transformation strategy
  • The construction of a transversal project for a company, a group or a branch of the economy
  • The implementation of a new organization to respond to a new data or a new business model
  • The transformation of an existing organization towards digitalization

What are the main areas of intervention of an expert consultant in back-end and front-end development

The expert consultant in back-end and front-end development intervenes upstream of the digital transformation by identifying the action levers to be implemented to achieve the set objectives.

  • Define a digital transformation strategy based on an analysis of risks and constraints, but also of opportunities and market expectations
  • Identify the business lines that will benefit and the organizational structure to implement them, including the new business lines to be created
  • Define the projects and programs that will enable the company to meet market expectations and respond to the risks that weigh on the organization.

Consultancy, transformation and assistance

We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and vision. We are ready to share our advice and experience to support your digital transformation.